Source code for osc.viz.loss_objects

Visualization of object losses.
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
import torch
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.ticker import PercentFormatter
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from torch import Tensor

from osc.utils import cos_pairwise

from .utils import subplots_grid

[docs]def match_objects(obj_feats: Tensor) -> np.ndarray: """Compute matches between 2B images with S objects each. Args: obj_feats: object feature tensor of shape ``[2B S C]``, where ``S`` is the number of objects per image. Returns: An array of matches (one match per row), length ``2BS`` """ B, S, C = obj_feats.shape B //= 2 s0, s1 = obj_feats.detach().reshape(2, B, S, C).unbind(dim=0) cos = torch.einsum("ikc,ilc->ikl", s0, s1).cpu().numpy() targets = np.zeros(2 * B * S, dtype=int) for b in range(B): # First output is a vector of sorted row idxs [0, 1, ..., S] _, cols = scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment(cos[b, :, :], maximize=True) targets[b * S : (b + 1) * S] = (B + b) * S + cols targets[(B + b) * S : (B + b + 1) * S] = b * S + np.argsort(cols) return targets
[docs]def viz_contrastive_loss_objects(obj_feats: Tensor, loss: float) -> Figure: """Visualize contrastive loss between 2B images with S objects each. Args: obj_feats: object feature tensor of shape ``[2B S C]``, where ``S`` is the number of objects per image. loss: loss value to display on the plots Returns: A figure with two plots. """ B = obj_feats.shape[0] // 2 S = obj_feats.shape[1] cos = cos_pairwise(obj_feats.detach().reshape(2 * B * S, -1)) prob = ( torch.clone(cos) .fill_diagonal_(-torch.inf) .softmax(dim=-1) .fill_diagonal_(np.nan) .cpu() .numpy() ) cos = cos.fill_diagonal_(np.nan).cpu().numpy() matches = match_objects(obj_feats) fig, axs = subplots_grid(1, 2, ax_height_inch=2 * B, sharex=True, sharey=True) ax = axs[0] img = ax.imshow(cos) fig.colorbar(img, ax=ax) ax.set_title( f"Pairwise cos of slot projections\n" f"Min {np.nanmin(cos):.3f} Max {np.nanmax(cos):.3f} Loss {loss:.4f}" ) ax.scatter(matches, np.arange(2 * B * S), color="red", s=10) ax = axs[1] img = ax.imshow(prob) fig.colorbar(img, ax=ax, format=PercentFormatter(1.0)) ax.set_title( f"Match probs of slot projections\n" f"Min {np.nanmin(prob):.1%} Max {np.nanmax(prob):.1%}" ) ax.scatter(matches, np.arange(2 * B * S), color="red", s=10) for ax in axs.flat: ax.axhline(B * S - 0.5, color="black", lw=4) ax.axvline(B * S - 0.5, color="black", lw=4) for line in range(S, 2 * B * S, S): ax.axhline(line - 0.5, color="black", lw=2) ax.axvline(line - 0.5, color="black", lw=2) ax.set_xlabel("Image idx | slot idx") ax.set_xticks(np.arange(2 * B * S)) ax.set_xticklabels( 2 * [k if k > 0 else f"img {b} | {k}" for b in range(B) for k in range(S)], rotation=90, fontdict={"fontsize": "small"}, ) ax = axs[0] ax.set_yticks(np.arange(2 * B * S)) ax.set_yticklabels( 2 * [s if s > 0 else f"img {b} | {s}" for b in range(B) for s in range(S)], fontdict={"fontsize": "small"}, ) ax.set_ylabel("Image idx | slot idx") fig.set_facecolor("white") fig.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def viz_contrastive_loss_objects_probs( obj_feats: Tensor, temp: float, loss: float ) -> Figure: """Visualize contrastive loss between 2B images with S objects each, probabilities only. Args: obj_feats: object feature tensor of shape ``[2B S C]``, where ``S`` is the number of objects per image. temp: loss temperature loss: loss value to display on the plots Returns: A figure with a single plot of matching probabilities. """ B = obj_feats.shape[0] // 2 S = obj_feats.shape[1] cos = cos_pairwise(obj_feats.detach().reshape(2 * B * S, -1)) prob = ( cos.div_(temp) .fill_diagonal_(-torch.inf) .softmax(dim=-1) .fill_diagonal_(np.nan) .cpu() .numpy() ) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(1.7 * 2 * B, 1.7 * 2 * B)) img = ax.imshow(prob) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="1%", pad=0.1) fig.colorbar(img, cax=cax, format=PercentFormatter(1.0)) matches = match_objects(obj_feats) ax.scatter(matches, np.arange(2 * B * S), color="red", s=10) ax.set_title( f"Match probs of slot projections (temp {temp:.2f})\n" f"Min {np.nanmin(prob):.1%} Max {np.nanmax(prob):.1%} Loss {loss:.4f}" ) ax.axhline(B * S - 0.5, color="black", lw=4) ax.axvline(B * S - 0.5, color="black", lw=4) for line in range(S, 2 * B * S, S): ax.axhline(line - 0.5, color="black", lw=2) ax.axvline(line - 0.5, color="black", lw=2) ax.set_xlabel("Image idx | slot idx") ax.set_xticks(np.arange(2 * B * S)) ax.set_xticklabels( 2 * [k if k > 0 else f"img {b} | {k}" for b in range(B) for k in range(S)], rotation=90, fontdict={"fontsize": "small"}, ) ax.set_ylabel("Image idx | slot idx") ax.set_yticks(np.arange(2 * B * S)) ax.set_yticklabels( 2 * [s if s > 0 else f"img {b} | {s}" for b in range(B) for s in range(S)], fontdict={"fontsize": "small"}, ) fig.set_facecolor("white") fig.tight_layout() return fig