Source code for osc.loss_objects

from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn.functional import cross_entropy

from osc.utils import cos_pairwise, l2_normalize

[docs]def matching_contrastive_loss( slots: Tensor, temperature: float = 1.0, reduction: str = "mean", ) -> Tensor: """Contrastive object-wise loss, all vs. all. The vectors in position ``i`` and ``i + B`` of `projs` must represent ``K`` embeddings of different augmentations of the same image. For each ``(i, i+B)`` image pair, the ``K`` embeddings are 1:1 matched using linear-sum assignment to produce the targets for a ``2BK-1``-classes classification problem. Except for the matching slot, all ``2BK-2`` x of all images are considered negative samples for the loss. If all slot embeddings collapse to the same value, the loss will be ``log(2BK-1)``. Worst case: if all embeddings collapse to the same value, the loss will be ``log(2BK-1)``. Best case: if each image gets an embedding that is orthogonal to all others, the loss will be ``log(exp(1/t) + 2BK - 2) - 1/t``. Args: slots: [2B, K, C] tensor of projected image features temperature: temperature scaling reduction: 'mean', 'sum', or 'none' Returns: Scalar loss over all samples and x if reduction is 'mean' or 'sum'. A vector ``2BK`` of losses if reduction is 'none' Example: A batch of ``B=4`` images, augmented twice, each with `K=3` x. The ``X`` represent positive matching targets for the cross entropy loss, the ``.`` represent negatives included in the loss (all except diagonal):: aug_0 aug_1 ----------------------- ----------------------- 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 | [ . .|. . .|. . .|. . .||. . X|. . .|. . .|. . .] | img_0 [. .|. . .|. . .|. . .||. X .|. . .|. . .|. . .] | [. . |. . .|. . .|. . .||X . .|. . .|. . .|. . .] | [-----+-----+-----+------------+-----+-----+-----] | [. . .| . .|. . .|. . .||. . .|X . .|. . .|. . .] | img_1 [. . .|. .|. . .|. . .||. . .|. X .|. . .|. . .] | [. . .|. . |. . .|. . .||. . .|. . X|. . .|. . .] aug_0 | [-----+-----+-----+------------+-----+-----+-----] | [. . .|. . .| . .|. . .||. . .|. . .|. . X|. . .] | img_2 [. . .|. . .|. .|. . .||. . .|. . .|X . .|. . .] | [. . .|. . .|. . |. . .||. . .|. . .|. X .|. . .] | [-----+-----+-----+------------+-----+-----+-----] | [. . .|. . .|. . .| . .||. . .|. . .|. . .|. . X] | img_3 [. . .|. . .|. . .|. .||. . .|. . .|. . .|. X .] | [. . .|. . .|. . .|. . ||. . .|. . .|. . .|X . .] [=====|=====|=====|============|=====|=====|=====] | [. . X|. . .|. . .|. . .|| . .|. . .|. . .|. . .] | img_0 [. X .|. . .|. . .|. . .||. .|. . .|. . .|. . .] | [X . .|. . .|. . .|. . .||. . |. . .|. . .|. . .] | [-----+-----+-----+------------+-----+-----+-----] | [. . .|X . .|. . .|. . .||. . .| . .|. . .|. . .] | img_1 [. . .|. X .|. . .|. . .||. . .|. .|. . .|. . .] | [. . .|. . X|. . .|. . .||. . .|. . |. . .|. . .] aug_1 | [-----+-----+-----+------------+-----+-----+-----] | [. . .|. . .|. X .|. . .||. . .|. . .| . .|. . .] | img_2 [. . .|. . .|. . X|. . .||. . .|. . .|. .|. . .] | [. . .|. . .|X . .|. . .||. . .|. . .|. . |. . .] | [-----+-----+-----+------------+-----+-----+-----] | [. . .|. . .|. . .|. . X||. . .|. . .|. . .| . .] | img_3 [. . .|. . .|. . .|. X .||. . .|. . .|. . .|. .] | [. . .|. . .|. . .|X . .||. . .|. . .|. . .|. . ] """ A = 2 B = slots.shape[0] // A K = slots.shape[1] # Full cosine similarity matrix between all slots of all images. # cos: [2, B, K, 2, B, K] slots = slots.reshape(A * B * K, slots.shape[2]) cos = cos_pairwise(slots).reshape(A, B, K, A, B, K) # Prepare cross-entropy targets by running linear sum assignment # on cosine similarity for each pair of augmented images. # # Thanks to symmetry w.r.t. the diagonal, matches need to be computed # only for the B blocks of size [K, K] in the diagonal of the top-right # quarter of the cosine matrix: # for i in range(B): # match(cos_pairwise(slots[i], slots[i+B])) # instead of 2B times: # for i in range(2*B): # match(cos_pairwise(slots[i % B], slots[(i+B) % B])) targets = np.full(A * B * K, fill_value=-1, dtype=int) for b in range(B): cos_np = cos[0, b, :, 1, b, :].detach().cpu().numpy() # First output is a vector of sorted row idxs [0, 1, ..., K] _, cols = scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment(cos_np, maximize=True) targets[b * K : (b + 1) * K] = (B + b) * K + cols targets[(B + b) * K : (B + b + 1) * K] = b * K + np.argsort(cols) targets = torch.from_numpy(targets).to(slots.device) cos = cos.reshape(A * B * K, A * B * K).div_(temperature).fill_diagonal_(-torch.inf) loss = cross_entropy(cos, targets, reduction=reduction) # Debug # with np.printoptions(linewidth=150, formatter={"bool": ".X".__getitem__}): # probs = cos.detach().softmax(dim=-1).mul_(100).int().cpu().numpy() # print(probs) # onehot = np.zeros(cos.shape, dtype=bool) # onehot[np.arange(len(targets)), targets.cpu().numpy()] = 1 # print(onehot) return loss
[docs]def matching_contrastive_loss_best_worst( batch_size: int, num_slots: int, temperature: float ) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Best and worst case for ``contrastive_loss()``.""" best = ( np.log(np.exp(1 / temperature) + 2 * batch_size * num_slots - 2) - 1 / temperature ) worst = np.log(2 * batch_size * num_slots - 1) return best, worst
[docs]def matching_contrastive_loss_per_img( slots: Tensor, temperature: float = 1.0, reduction: str = "mean" ) -> Tensor: """Contrastive object-wise loss, only between corresponding images. The ``K`` x of the ``i``-th image are matched with the x of the ``i+B``-th image and vice versa. For each slot, the contrastive image considers the matching slot in the corresponding image as positive. The other ``K-1`` x in the corresponding image as negatives, as well as the other ``K-1`` x in the original image. Slots are only matched between one image and its augmented version, never within the same image and never with other images. If all slot embeddings collapse to the same value, the loss will be ``log(2K-2)``. Args: slots: [2B, K, C] tensor of projected image features temperature: temperature scaling reduction: 'mean', 'sum', or 'none' Returns: Scalar loss over all samples and x if reduction is 'mean' or 'sum'. A vector ``2BK`` of losses if reduction is 'none' Example: A batch of ``B=4`` images, augmented twice, each with `K=3` x. The ``X`` represent positive matching targets for the cross entropy loss, the ``.`` represent negatives included in the loss (only from the augmented image and the image itself, but not the slot itself):: aug_0 aug_1 ----------------------- ----------------------- 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 | [ . .| | | ||. . X| | | ] | img_0 [. .| | | ||. X .| | | ] | [. . | | | ||X . .| | | ] | [-----+-----+-----+------------+-----+-----+-----] | [ | . .| | || |X . .| | ] | img_1 [ |. .| | || |. X .| | ] | [ |. . | | || |. . X| | ] aug_0 | [-----+-----+-----+------------+-----+-----+-----] | [ | | . .| || | |. . X| ] | img_2 [ | |. .| || | |X . .| ] | [ | |. . | || | |. X .| ] | [-----+-----+-----+------------+-----+-----+-----] | [ | | | . .|| | | |. . X] | img_3 [ | | |. .|| | | |. X .] | [ | | |. . || | | |X . .] [=====|=====|=====|============|=====|=====|=====] | [. . X| | | || . .| | | ] | img_0 [. X .| | | ||. .| | | ] | [X . .| | | ||. . | | | ] | [-----+-----+-----+------------+-----+-----+-----] | [ |X . .| | || | . .| | ] | img_1 [ |. X .| | || |. .| | ] | [ |. . X| | || |. . | | ] aug_1 | [-----+-----+-----+------------+-----+-----+-----] | [ | |. X .| || | | . .| ] | img_2 [ | |. . X| || | |. .| ] | [ | |X . .| || | |. . | ] | [-----+-----+-----+------------+-----+-----+-----] | [ | | |. . X|| | | | . .] | img_3 [ | | |. X .|| | | |. .] | [ | | |X . .|| | | |. . ] """ # slots: [2B K C] -> [2 B K C] A = 2 B = slots.shape[0] // A K = slots.shape[1] slots = l2_normalize(slots).reshape(A, B, K, slots.shape[2]) # cos_self0: [B K K] (each image with aug=0 with itself, ignore diagonal) cos_self0 = torch.einsum("bkc,blc->bkl", slots[0], slots[0]).div_(temperature) cos_self0 = torch.where( torch.eye(K, K, device=slots.device, dtype=torch.bool).expand(B, -1, -1), cos_self0.new_tensor(-torch.inf), cos_self0, ) # cos_self1: [B K K] (each image with aug=1 with itself, ignore diagonal) cos_self1 = torch.einsum("bkc,blc->bkl", slots[1], slots[1]).div_(temperature) cos_self1 = torch.where( torch.eye(K, K, device=slots.device, dtype=torch.bool).expand(B, -1, -1), cos_self1.new_tensor(-torch.inf), cos_self1, ) # cos_aug: [B K K] (each image with its augmented version) cos_aug = torch.einsum("bkc,blc->bkl", slots[0], slots[1]).div_(temperature) # Prepare targets cos_np = cos_aug.detach().cpu().numpy() targets = np.zeros(A * B * K, dtype=int) for b in range(B): # First output is a vector of sorted row indices [0, 1, ..., K] _, cols = scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment(cos_np[b, :, :], maximize=True) targets[b * K : (b + 1) * K] = K + cols targets[B * K + b * K : B * K + (b + 1) * K] = np.argsort(cols) targets = torch.from_numpy(targets).to(slots.device) # cos: [2BK, 2K] cos = [ [ cos_self0.reshape(B * K, K), cos_aug.reshape(B * K, K), ], dim=1, ), [ cos_aug.transpose(1, 2).reshape(B * K, K), cos_self1.reshape(B * K, K), ], dim=1, ), ], dim=0, ) loss = cross_entropy(cos, targets, reduction=reduction) # Debug # with np.printoptions(linewidth=150, formatter={"bool": ".X".__getitem__}): # probs = cos.detach().softmax(dim=-1).mul_(100).int().cpu().numpy() # print(probs) # onehot = np.zeros(cos.shape, dtype=bool) # onehot[np.arange(len(targets)), targets.cpu().numpy()] = 1 # print(onehot) return loss
[docs]def matching_similarity_loss_per_img( f: Tensor, p: Tensor, reduction: str = "mean" ) -> Tensor: """Cosine similarity per object, only between corresponding images. The ``S`` slots of the ``i``-th image are matched with the slots of the ``i+B``-th image and vice versa. The loss encourages high cosine similarity between pairs. Similarity is defined as ``(1-cos)/2``. Args: f: [2B, S, C] tensor of pre-projection image features p: [2B, S, C] tensor of post-projection image features reduction: 'mean', 'sum', or 'none' Returns: Scalar loss over all samples and slots if reduction is 'mean' or 'sum'. A vector ``2BS`` of losses if reduction is 'none' Example: A batch of ``B=4`` images, augmented twice, each with `S=3` slots. The ``X`` matching pairs whose cosine similarity will be increased. When computing the cosine, the vectors along the column axis are detached to prevent gradient propagation:: aug_0 aug_1 ----------------------- ----------------------- 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 | [ | | | || X| | | ] | img_0 [ | | | || X | | | ] | [ | | | ||X | | | ] | [-----+-----+-----+------------+-----+-----+-----] | [ | | | || |X | | ] | img_1 [ | | | || | X | | ] | [ | | | || | X| | ] aug_0 | [-----+-----+-----+------------+-----+-----+-----] | [ | | | || | | X| ] | img_2 [ | | | || | |X | ] | [ | | | || | | X | ] | [-----+-----+-----+------------+-----+-----+-----] | [ | | | || | | | X] | img_3 [ | | | || | | | X ] | [ | | | || | | |X ] [=====|=====|=====|============|=====|=====|=====] | [ X| | | || | | | ] | img_0 [ X | | | || | | | ] | [X | | | || | | | ] | [-----+-----+-----+------------+-----+-----+-----] | [ |X | | || | | | ] | img_1 [ | X | | || | | | ] | [ | X| | || | | | ] aug_1 | [-----+-----+-----+------------+-----+-----+-----] | [ | | X | || | | | ] | img_2 [ | | X| || | | | ] | [ | |X | || | | | ] | [-----+-----+-----+------------+-----+-----+-----] | [ | | | X|| | | | ] | img_3 [ | | | X || | | | ] | [ | | |X || | | | ] """ # f: [2B S C] -> [2 B S C] A = 2 B, S, D = f.shape B //= A f = l2_normalize(f.detach()).reshape(A, B, S, D) p = l2_normalize(p).reshape(A, B, S, D) # Cosine similarity of all slots in one image with all slots in its aug version, # will be used to compute the matching pairs. However, the loss is defined between # the detached pre-projection features and the post-projection features. # cos: [B S T], T=S # cos[b, s, t] = cos(f[0, b, s], f[1, b, t]) cos = torch.einsum("bsc,btc->bst", f[0], f[1]).cpu().numpy() # Find matches and accumulate cosine similarity of matching pairs sim = torch.zeros((A, B, S), device=f.device) for b in range(B): # First output is a vector of sorted row indices [0, 1, ..., S] _, cols = scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment(cos[b, :, :], maximize=True) # Top-right quadrant in the example matrix above sim[0, b, :] += torch.sum(p[0, b, :] * f[1, b, cols], dim=-1) # Bottom-left quadrant in the example matrix above (symmetric) cols_t = np.argsort(cols) sim[1, b, :] += torch.sum(p[1, b, :] * f[0, b, cols_t], dim=-1) if reduction == "sum": sim = sim.sum() elif reduction == "mean": sim = sim.mean() return (1 - sim) / 2