Source code for

import tensorflow as tf

ATTEMPTS = (10,)

[docs]@tf.function def get_params(img, scale=(0.08, 1.0), ratio=(3.0 / 4.0, 4.0 / 3.0), seed=(0, 0)): # Ratio < 1: vertical portrait image # Ratio > 1: horizontal landscape image H, W = img.shape[:2] A = W * H seeds = tf.random.experimental.stateless_split(seed, num=4) target_area = A * tf.random.stateless_uniform( ATTEMPTS, seeds[0], minval=scale[0], maxval=scale[1] ) log_ratio = tf.math.log(ratio) target_ratio = tf.exp( tf.random.stateless_uniform( ATTEMPTS, seeds[1], minval=log_ratio[0], maxval=log_ratio[1] ) ) h = tf.sqrt(target_area / target_ratio) w = tf.sqrt(target_area * target_ratio) ijhw = tf.stack( [ tf.random.stateless_uniform(ATTEMPTS, seeds[2], minval=0, maxval=H - h + 1), tf.random.stateless_uniform(ATTEMPTS, seeds[3], minval=0, maxval=W - w + 1), h, w, ], axis=1, ) fallback_ijhw = [ # Center crop, valid for portrait images with ratio < min(ratio) [(H - W / ratio[0]) / 2, 0, W / ratio[0], W], # Center crop, valid for landscape images with ratio > max(ratio) [0, W - H * ratio[1], H, H * ratio[1]], # No crop, always valid [0, 0, H, W], ] ijhw = tf.concat([ijhw, fallback_ijhw], axis=0) valid = (0 < ijhw[:, 2]) & (ijhw[:, 2] <= H) & (0 < ijhw[:, 3]) & (ijhw[:, 3] <= W) idx = tf.argmax(valid) return ijhw[idx, :]
[docs]@tf.function def random_resized_crop( img, size=(64, 64), scale=(0.08, 1.0), ratio=(3.0 / 4.0, 4.0 / 3.0), seed=(0, 0) ): ijhw = get_params(img, scale, ratio, seed) height, width = img.shape[:2] y0x0y1x1 = tf.concat([ijhw[:2], ijhw[:2] + ijhw[2:]], axis=0) y0x0y1x1 /= [height, width, height, width] img = tf.image.crop_and_resize( img[None, :, :, :], boxes=y0x0y1x1[None, :], box_indices=(0,), crop_size=size )[0] return img